Tuesday April 24th
Today Mr. Schmidt introduced the next unit over the Reconstruction. He showed the students the learning targets and had them answer some questions and do some textbook work with their table groups. They also went over their responses and notes over the videos that they watched on the Presidents that followed Lincoln and the strength, or lack there of, of those leaders.
Wednesday April 25th
Today the class went over how they thought Reconstruction was able to bring African Americans closer to full citizenship and the American Ideals. The American Ideals are what the students have been circling back to with every topic as the backbone of each unit and helps to tie all the units together. After the students had time to think over the question and write down their thoughts Mr. Schmidt had them get up and do a four (five in this case) corners discussion with a part of the room standing for one of the American Ideals. The students had to go to the part of the room that represented the American Ideal that they thought the freed slaves wanted the most.
Friday April 28th
Today was a shortened schedule for an assembly as well as a testing day for the students. Mr. Schmidt had the students come in and get out their chromebooks then started them on the quiz on Canvas. The students could use their handwritten notes and they had the whole class to finish the quiz. As the students were taking the quiz Mr. Schmidt gave me some advice on testing and creating tests as well as the advantages of taking quizzes on Canvas so the students can know how well they did on the multiple choice question as soon as they finished the test.