Tuesday February 27th
There was a sub today and she helped me get my paperwork ready for the lesson I will be teaching tomorrow. During the morning meeting the class went over what they would have to do if there was a code red lights out or a lock and teach. The sub explained what each one meant and told them that if there was ever a code red the students would go to the back corner away from the door and windows with the lights off and they would have to be completely silent. Then they would have to stay that way until the principal tells them it’s ok to leave. After the morning meeting the students separated into their app groups and started working on their projects. As they were working the principal came over the announcement and told the school that they were starting a code red lights out drill and we helped the students get where they were supposed to be and when the drill was over we went back over the importance of the drill and taking it seriously like a tornado drill or a fire drill
Wednesday February 28th
I taught my lesson on contractions and possessive nouns today and I think it went really well. The students seemed to really understand the material and almost all of the students finished the first handout and a few finished the second. I started the lesson with a quick couple of slides to show the students what they were going to be doing and to tell them what a contraction and possessive noun is so they would be able to identify them. Then I had them make up three examples of each to be sure that they understood the what each one was. After that I handed out the first worksheet and went over the first couple questions with them then sent them on their way. I walked around the classroom as they were working and helped the students that had problems so I could make sure that they had a firm grasp on the unit and knew what they were doing.
If I had to do this lesson again I think that I would have something extra for the students that were able to get through both worksheets quickly so that they would not get bored as the rest of the class was still working. Another thing that I might add is some kind of game or video that the students could play/watch before the lesson that is related to the topic.
Friday March 2nd
I did my student shadow today. I shadowed a boy in Mrs. Tapp's class and helped him with his morning work when needed. I also helped him write a book review of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday. Then I followed him to the rainbow room, or resource room, where he took a spelling test with the resource teacher Ms. Todd. He did very well and was able to get all of the words spelled correctly. After he turned in his test and got his reward tickets we went back to the classroom and worked on the book review a little more then listened to the morning meeting. After the morning meeting the class broke up into their app groups and I left to go back to my home high school.
It was a lot of fun to shadow a student and I liked seeing the class from his point of view. This can help me in the future because it gave me a better idea of how I might want to manage my class time and use that to the advantage of all of the students in my class so that it is helpful to students of all different learning speeds and abilities.