Michelle Schrader
Hello! I'm Michelle
I am at Emporia State University majoring in secondary education with a focus in social sciences and history. My favorite part of history are the wars and learning more about what the soldiers went through and the effects that the wars had on the countries involved. I believe that we can learn more about our future by the mistakes that were made in the past which lead to war. I work at the Blue Valley Recreation Center as a lifeguard and swim instructor and spend most of my time there working with children. I also help at the special education Extended School Year program with the Blue Valley School District as a para over the summer. I love working with children and helping them learn and become more curious about the world around them.
Activities and Honors
High School
National Honors Society (NHS)
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Varsity Swim Letter
Greg House Memorial Scholarship
Presidential Schoalraship
Club Swim Team
2016 to 2018
2015 to 2017
2014 to 2018
2014 to 2015
Fall 2018
Fall 2018 to Present
2010 to 2018
Community Service
Vacation Bible School Leader
Kanakuk Kampout Junior Counselor
Sunday School Check-in
Operation Christmas Child Box Packing
Harvester's Food Packing
2013 to Present
2014 to 2016
2016 to 2017
November 2015 to 2017
Spring 2016 to 2017
Other Experience
CAPS Teacher Education Associate
Supervision and Instruction
Conference Presenter
Educators Rising Leadership Conference
Educators Rising Kansas Regional Conference
Greenbush Technology Conference
Other Jobs
SONIC Carhop
Fall 2017 to Spring 2018
December 2017
November 2017
September 2017
May 2016 to October 2017
Employment Experience
Swim Instructor
Blue Valley Recreation Center
Overland Park, KS 66223
Olathe Community Center
Olathe, KS 66061
Extended School Year Para
Blue Valley School District
Overland Park, KS 66223
Summer 2017
Summer 2017
June 2017
High School
Blue Valley West High School
Overland Park, KS
Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS)
Teacher Education Program
Overland Park, KS 66223
Emporia State University
Emporia, KS 66801
Fall 2014 to Spring 2018
Fall 2017 to Spring 2018
Fall 2018 to Present
To get my Masters in both Primary and Secondary education, with a focus in Social Studies
Skills & Certifications
Apple Teacher Certification
Apple Swift Playgrounds Certification
MIE (Microsoft Innovatice Educator) Certification
November 2017
December 2017
April 2018
Available Upon Request
Stilwell Elemntary School
Ms. Zacker
Pleasant Ridge Middle School
Mr. Modelski
Aubrey Bend Middle School
Mrs. Parker
I was in Ms. Zacker's class for two weeks and watched how she handled her class. She had her class setup for flexible seating where kids were allowed to sit at small tables on the floor in a regular or wobbly chair at a desk or stand in the back. I liked helping out in this classroom and enjoied helping out with the kids when needed. However, throughout this experience I learned that I really do not want to teach in an elementary school
I helped out in Mr. Modelski's first three hours for three weeks. I helped the kids with their math work in guided study and also in that time I helped Mr. Modelski get ready for an upcoming field trip. In his social studies class I helped the students write their essays over the causes of the Civil War. I was not able to teach in this observation but I did write a lesson plan for a Civil War project.
I helped out in Mrs. Parker's social studies class for three weeks in her first and third hours. Her second hour was a guided study so I went across the hall and helped out in Mrs. Tews' ELA class. In the social studies class for the first two weeks I helped the students get research on ancient achievements for the essays that they were going to write in ELA. In the ELA class I helped the students format their essays and write the introduction paragraph. On the last week I was there the social studies class started on their Religions of the World unit.
Lincoln Investigation
For this lesson I showed a short video that talked about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth. Then I had the students research Lincoln's actions as president and how those actions would have lead to why Booth wanted to kill him. After they finished their research I had them talk about what they found and share their thoughts about the assassination.
Civil War Box
For this lesson I put a quote from Robert E. Lee about war on the board and have the students talk about and think on before I introduce the project. Then I split them up into groups based on their essay topics so there is one person form every topic in each group. They got ten minutes to explain their topics to each other then they put all their information together to make a box where each side explains a cause of the Civil War and how it could have been avoided.
Christianity Unit
For this lesson I had the students read the section in their textbooks then we went over the answers for their workbooks as a class. In the last ten minutes of class I had the students pull out their phones and do a Google search for church buildings and then they had to compare and contrast how they were similar and different.
Guide Words Lesson
For this lesson I made a crossword puzzle that they students had to use their dictionaries and guide words to solve the clues and find the words. Each clue included the guide words that were on the page of the word that they were looking for as well as the definition of the word that the students were looking for. The students then had to find the guide words in their dictionaries and then look on that page for the definition to find the word that fit in the puzzle.
Contractions v. Possessive Nouns
For this lesson I went over what the difference between contractions and possessive nouns are and then I had the students help me find each one and decide what it was on an example worksheet on the smart board. After that I handed out a worksheet for the students to try it on their own to see what they understood and what they still needed help on. On the worksheet I had them decide if the word was a contraction or a possessive noun and if it was a possessive noun they had to identify who owned what so that they could make sure that they were right.
Lincoln Assassination Lesson
For this lesson I made edits to the one I taught in my CAPS class and made it more interactive and fun. I started the class with the wanted poster for Booth, Surratt, and Herald on the board. Then I played a clip from Killing Lincoln that showed the assassination of Lincoln and attempted assassination of Seward. After the clip the students worked with their table groups to find a brief background of Booth, who worked with him, who else was targeted, what the original plan was, how that plan changed, and if there were any other attempts. I took the last ten minutes of class to go over what the students found and each table answer one of the questions and explain it to the rest of the class to see if they understood what they found and could help their classmates understand it as well.
Greenbush Conference
For the Greenbush Conference we created a presentation, called Breaking Bad... Habits, which talked about what we wish we would have been taught as well as how to use technology in the classroom. My slide was about how to use a flipped classroom, where you send the lecture home in an online video and do the notes at home and the activities in class. We then took the presentation to Eudora, KS and presented to other teachers.
MNU Conference
The MNU Conference was similar to the Greenbush Conference, but instead of presenting to teachers we gave our presentation to fellow students who want to be teachers in the future. We used the same presentation with a few changes to better target our audience and then we also participated in competitions. I worked with Jessica on a children's book about trying different foods from other cultures.
Emporia Conference
We changed up our original presentation to make it more interactive at the Emporia conference by having the audience try out some teaching techniques with technology. We had them separated into table groups and helped them with the activities. One group used MomentCam to make an avatar then they went to goQrme.com and write a little blurb then post the avatar and QR on a Padlet. The other group made parodies of popular songs to help teach a lesson.